August 9, 2024

How to track profitability with effortless IVF cycle package management?

The Challenge: Navigating Complexities in IVF Package Management

In today’s competitive IVF landscape, managing cycle package pricing, inclusions, and cancellations effectively is essential for maintaining operational control, transparency, and ensuring patient satisfaction. The intricacies of IVF packages—spanning multiple procedures, services, and associated medications—demand a sophisticated approach to administration. Without the right tools, clinics risk inefficiencies, manual errors, and a lack of clarity, all of which can negatively impact both patient experience and the bottom line.

IVF cycle packages typically include various procedures and services at different stages of the treatment journey, such as Ovum Pickup (OPU), Embryo Culture, and Embryo Transfer (ET). In addition to these services, packages often encompass essential pharmacy drugs and consumables. However, managing these packages becomes particularly challenging when dealing with cancellations. For example, a cycle might be canceled after OPU due to a lack of viable oocytes, necessitating a partial refund. The complexity only increases with more intricate packages and a broader range of cancellation scenarios.

Key challenges include:

  • Effective Communication: Counselling teams must clearly explain package details to patients.
  • Inclusion Management: Tracking inclusions and applying discounts as part of package payments.
  • System Transparency: Ensuring patients and operational teams have a clear, transparent view of the system.
  • Customization Flexibility: Allowing doctors to adjust medications based on individual patient needs.
  • Cancellation Management: Handling cancellations and refunds transparently, avoiding manual errors and excessive discounts.

Addressing these multifaceted challenges requires a robust, intelligent system that not only manages all aspects of package definitions but is also simple and intuitive to use.

The Solution: Simplifying IVF Package Management with ARTis

ARTis offers a comprehensive solution that allows fertility centers to configure and manage IVF cycle packages with precision and ease. By setting up cycle packages in advance—complete with clearly defined inclusions and usage limits—centers can automate service allocation, track usage, and prevent unauthorized allocations. This approach eliminates the need for manual intervention and ensures that package management is seamless and error-free.

How ARTis Streamlines IVF Package Management

ARTis is designed to accommodate the diverse needs of fertility centers, allowing them to configure cycle packages that include a variety of services, drugs, consumables, and more. The flexibility to tailor these packages to suit competitive positioning, patient feedback, historical data, and growth objectives makes ARTis an indispensable tool for IVF centers.

Key Components of ARTis Cycle Package Management

  • Cycle Procedures: ARTis supports multiple procedure combinations within a package, allowing centers to define treatment workflows based on progress. The system offers a visual representation of treatment stages, tracks the journey from oocyte to embryo, and manages stage-specific cancellations and refunds. It also prevents the addition of unpaid services, safeguarding against revenue loss.
  • Pharmacy Drugs: ARTis provides the flexibility to adjust medication based on patient response, enabling doctors to add or modify drugs within preset limits. The system ensures that drug usage aligns with the package inclusions, displays drugs on the stimulation chart based on actual dispensation, and prevents excessive discounts.
  • Investigations: ARTis allows centers to define investigation lists with standard inclusions and the flexibility to add or modify them within preset limits. The system tracks investigation usage and prevents unauthorized additions, providing a clear overview through dashboards.
  • Consumables: ARTis manages consumables by defining stage-specific lists with allowed quantities. The system records consumables usage systematically, ensuring that it aligns with preset limits and preventing excessive discounts.
  • Cancellation Schemes: ARTis enables centers to define cancellation scenarios and associated refunds, automating the process to eliminate manual errors. Authorized users have control over cycle cancellations, ensuring that refunds are processed according to preconfigured amounts.

Conclusion: Elevating IVF Center Operations with ARTis

By implementing ARTis, IVF centres can enhance operational efficiency, reduce manual intervention, and improve patient satisfaction. For IVF chains, in particular, ARTis provides a controlled mechanism to standardize processes across multiple centres. With ARTis, package management becomes a streamlined, transparent, and flexible process that adapts to individual patient needs, ensuring that fertility centres can focus on what matters most: delivering exceptional patient care.

Explore how ARTis can transform your IVF cycle package management. Schedule a demo today!

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